Directorate Courses

Directorate of Samskrit Education Department offers various fundamental courses for the Students:

  • Prathama,
  • Kavya
  • Sahithya
  • Veda Prathama
  • Veda Pravesha
  • Veda Moola

1.Prathama :Sanskrit Courses are foundational courses designed to introduce learners to the basics of the Sanskrit language. These courses typically comprise:

Introduction to the Devanagari Script: Understanding the script used for writing Sanskrit, including vowels (Swaras) and consonants (Vyanjanas).

Basic Grammar (Vyakarana): Covers fundamental grammatical concepts, including Sandhi (combination of letters), Samasa (compounding), and essential verb forms (Dhatu Roopas).

Vocabulary Building: Introduction to common words, phrases, and basic conversational Sanskrit.

Simple Sentences Formation: Learning to construct simple sentences, both in active and passive voices.

Reading and Comprehension: Practice reading simple Sanskrit texts, slokas (verses), and short stories to build comprehension skills.

Recitation and Pronunciation: Focus on correct pronunciation and recitation techniques, especially important for mantras, shlokas, and verses.

Basic Translation Skills: Exercises in translating simple sentences from Sanskrit to other languages and vice versa.

2.Kavya:A Kavya Sanskrit Course is designed to introduce learners to the rich tradition of classical Sanskrit literature, focusing specifically on the study of Kavya—poetry and prose that is celebrated for its artistic expression, emotional depth, and use of literary devices.