Department of Vedanta
विद्यां चाविद्यां च यस्तद्वेदोभयम् सह ।
अविद्यया मृत्युं तीर्त्वा विद्ययामृतमश्नुते ॥ ईशावास्योपनिषत् ॥११॥
"If a person realizes what is right knowledge and what is wrong notion, then such a person gets elevated from the misery of the world by avoiding wrong notion and will be liberated by right knowledge"
The department of Vedanta at Karnataka Samskrit University was formed in the year 2018.
The basis of the Department of Vedanta is the study of philosophical message of sages for the spiritual enlightenment of one and all. This is done through the study of classical texts of Vedanta, together with a comparative perspective between various texts.
Courses in Vedanta are designed keeping this in mind. Students study selected portions from classical texts, such as Bhagavadgita, Upaniśads and Brahmasutras, Bhaśyas of Sri Sankaracarya, Sri Ramanujacarya and Sri Madhvacarya. Many important texts like Sarvadarśana Sangraha of Sri Vidyaranya, Pramanapaddhathi, Vedanta ḍīpa, Nyayamrutha, Advaitasiddhi and others will be taught, thereby making the student an erudite scholar in Vedanta philosophy.
Classes in Vedanta are conducted by eminent and profound scholars in Advaita, Viśiśtadvalta, Saktiviśiśtadvaita and Dvaita in Samskrit medium.
Objectives of the Department:
The primary goal of the Vedanta department is to:
- Facilitate and encourage intense research in the Vedanta shastra.
- Encourage comparative study of oriental and western philosophy.
- Spread the message of Vedanta far and wide.
- Aim to develop logistics, library, e-content, technology and others for Vedanta inculcation.
- Syllabus 2021-22
- Syllabus 2020-21
- Syllabus 2019-20
- Syllabus 2018-19
Under Graduate Programs
BA in Vedanta
Post Graduate Programs
- M.A. in Vedanta
- M.A. in Yoga-Vedanta
- PhD in Advaith Vedanta
- PhD in Vishishtadvaita Vedanta
- PhD in Dvaita Vedanta
- PhD in Shakti Vishishtadvaita Vedanta
Short-term Courses
- Certificate Course in Kashmira Shaivism 6 Months
- Certificate Course in Advaita Vedanta 6 Months
Workshops and Seminars
Workshops and Seminars and Conferences
- “Ontological Status of Perceived World” National Seminar, Jointly organized by GAIIT Mysore and KSU March 2016
- “Bhakti Parampara” National Seminar, Jointly organised by KSU and ISKCON, Bengaluru 5-6, August, 2016 “Shuklayajurveda” Jointly organised by YajnavalkyaMahasabha, Bengaluru and KSU 18-19, April 2017
- “New Research Frontiers” International Workshop for Research Scholars, organized by KSU SamskritBharati and Sakshi, Bengaluru, 20-22.11.2017
- National Seminar on Manuscriptology, jointly organized by PoornaprajnaSamshodhanaMandiram Bengaluru and KSU, 4-5.11.2017.
- International Workshop on Western Philosophy Jointly organized by PoornaprajnaSamshodhana Mandiram Bengaluru and KSU, 3-7.5.2018
- “Brhadaranyakopanishat” International seminar Jointly organised by Yajnavalkya Mahasabha Bengaluru and KSU, 26-27.10.2019
- “Dispassionate churning of Indology” International conference 4-6.1.2019 Udupi, organized by BharatiyaVidvatParishat in association with ICPR, New Delhi and Indic Academy, Hyderabad.
- “Buddha and Shankaracharya” National seminar organized jointly by KSU, Pali Institute, Gulbarga, and BharatiyavidyaBhavan, Bengaluru. 20.11.2019
- “East and West on Dvaita” one day international seminar organized jointly by KSU and PPSM, Bengaluru, 25.2.2020
- A ten days online workshop on ‘Vedanta Paribhasha’ was organized and “Pratyakshakhanda’ was taught everyday for two hours. Great scholars like Prof. B.V. Venkataramana, Dr. Ganesh Ishwar Bhat and others delivered lectures. This is the first in the series and more lectures shall follow.
Extensive Activities
Lecture Series
- ‘Vedantopanyasamala’ -a weeklong lecture series online was organized and stalwarts like His Holiness Sri Vidyashreesha Teertha Swamiji and others delivered lectures on Vedanta
- Online seven days Vedanta Lecture Series organized by Department of Vedanta, Karnataka Samskrit University, Bengaluru. From 03.08.2020 to 09.08.2020.
- Lecture 1: 3.8.2020 – Sri Vidya shrisha tirtharu: dvaita vedante moksha svarupa vicharahah
- Lecture 2: 4.8.2020. Dr. Umesh Nepal: brahmanaha jagadabhinna nimittopadana karanatvam
- Lecture 3: 5.8.2020 – Dr. G.P. Nagarajachar: dvaita vedante Jivasya paramatmapratibimbatvam
- Lecture 4: 6.8.2020 – Professor MLN Murthy: Brahma satyam Jaganmithya jevo brarhmaiva naparah
- Lecture 5: 7.8.2020 – Dr. M.A. Alwar: vishishtadvaita vedante bhedaabhedasamanvayah
- Lecture 6: 8.8.2020 – Professor Ganapati bhat: Avidyaavimarshah
- Lecture 7: 9.8.2020 – Dr. Sridhara Bhat Ainakai: Anubhavaswaruupah aprameyah aatmaa vedantanam prameyah

Prof. Veeranarayana N.K. Pandurangi
Professor and Chairperson
Veernarayana N K Pandurangi is an internationally well-known scholar. He specializes in teaching Vedas, Vedantas , Indian Philosophies , religion and history. He has authored many books and research papers articles.
Complete Profile – Dr. Veeranarayana N K Pandurangi
Veernarayana N K Pandurangi is an internationally well-known scholar. He specializes in teaching Vedas, Vedantas , Indian Philosophies , religion and history. He has authored many books and research papers articles.
Acharya Veeranarayana Pandurangi, who hails from Pandurangi family that has
contributed highly to the development of philosophies of Dvaitavedanta and Nyaya
for the last seven hundred years, is the author of Vishnvarchana commentary on
Rgveda being published from 2022.
Born in the year 1973 in Vijayapura, Karnataka, Veeranarayana Pandurangi studied
at Poornaprajna Vidyapeetha under the tutelage of Shri Vishveshateertha Svamiji
and Prof. Prahladachar (now Shri Vidyashreeshatirtha of Sosale Vyasaraja Matha)
Prof Hayavadana Puranika, Prof. G. Guruvenktacharya (Now Shri Suvidyendratirtha
Svamiji of Raghavendra Matha), Prof. A Haridasa Bhat, Pandit Maddulapalli
Manikya Shastri, Pandit Martand Deekshit etc.
His research interests are in the fields of Vedic studies, Indian Logic, Dvaitavedanta,
Purvamimamsa, Ancient Indian History and Machine translation where he has
contributed by publishing many books and papers in various journals.
He founded of Bharatiya vidvat parishat with Shrinivas Varakhedi in 2009.
He received Badarayana Vyas Samman from President of India in 2011.
Visiting faculty in the Department

Dr. Vinay P
Assistant Professor
A scholar par excellence in advanced texts of Vedanta. He specializes in comparative philosophy and logic.
Complete Profile – Dr. Vinay P
A scholar par excellence in advanced texts of Vedanta. He specializes in comparative philosophy and logic.
- 20 years of teaching experience
- M.Phil and Ph.D Guide in Karnataka Samskrit University
- Had HR training on teaching methods by ‘Confluence’ HR training group, organized
by SET, Bangalore - Post-Doctoral research fellow on “Pramana Mimamsa – A comparative analysis on
knowledge &its means in Indian philosophy” - Awarded the title “Vyasaraja Seva Durandhara” by world forum of vyasaraja
devotees” - Listed & recognized in creative Sanskrit writers in Karnataka

Dr. Manjuanth Bhat
Assistant Professor
An expert in advanced texts of Vedanta. A scholar par excellence in Poorva Meemamsa..

Dr. Sharath Chandra Swamy
Assistant Professor
An expert in Shakti Vishishtadvaitha Vedanta and Buddhism as well. He also specializes in critical addition of manuscripts.

Dr. Shruthi H.K
Research Assistant
A well-versed scholar of Advaitha Vedanta. She also specializes in Sahitya.

Dr. Shakuntala Bhat
Research Assistant
A well-versed scholar of Advaitha Vedanta. She also specializes in Sahitya.

Dr. Tejaswini D
Research Assistant
Scholar in Jain Darshana with specialization in Sahitya.

Vidwan R. Jagannatha Poojar
Research Assistant
A scholar of Dvaita Vedanta with specialization in Nyaya Shastra.
Prof. Veeranayana Pandurangi
Dr. Manjunath Bhat
Dr. Sharat Chandra Swamy
Dr. Vinay P (10 articles merged)