Department of Manuscriptology
A manuscript speaks of the past, reveals history, unfolds perspectives & reflects socio – cultural scenes of its time. Its contents are significant literally, scientifically and historically. Its forms fascinating paleographically, calligraphically and technically. Thus, manuscripts are concrete examples of humanistic & artistic activities of the past. It may be mentioned that the formal aspect of a manuscript deals with structural analysis of elements related to the visual & aesthetic qualities. The department is fully committed to the revival of this ancient treasure.
Objectives of the Department:
- The department of manuscriptology has been commenced predominantly to:
- 1. Protect the manuscripts,
- 2. Research the manuscripts, and <
- 3. To train to explore the manuscripts;
- 4. To present ancient literature to the whole world;
- 5. To provide opportunity to learn and research in spite of age factor.
Under Graduate Programs
Post Graduate Programs
MA IN Manuscriptology
Course details
- M. A in Manuscriptology – It is a PG course with 4 semesters with a dissertation to be submitted at the end of the course.
- P.G Diploma in Manuscriptology – It is a course which is limited to the period of 11 months with submission of dissertation as a witness of the course completion.
- Ph D in Manuscriptology – The structure of Ph D has been executed according to the norms of UGC.
Course outcome
- Students will have thorough knowledge in prescribed scripts.
- Students will gain the practical knowledge of editing texts.
- Absolute knowledge of critical edition will be given to the students.
- Awareness will be generated among the students in the path of collecting, protecting, and preserving manuscripts.
- Students will be induced with the taste on Indian literature.
- Awareness will be created about the effort and labor of the writers of Indian literature.
Course duration
- M. A in Manuscriptology – Two years (2 semesters per year)
- P.G diploma in Manuscriptology – 11 months 3. Ph D in Manuscriptology – Decided as per the norms of UGC.
- M. A in manuscriptology- Shastri or any degree with Samskrit as a subject or must have passed Sahitya or equivalent course or must have passed certificate/ diploma course in Samskrit/ Pali/ Prakrit/ Manuscriptology or must have passed ‘Pravesha’ exam conducted by Surasaraswati Sabha, Sringeri or must have passed ‘Kovida’ exam conducted by Samskrit Bharati or must have passed the M.A entrance exam conducted by the university for the students who have passed any degree.
- P.G diploma in Manuscriptology- Must have passed any Bachelor Degree with basic Samskrit knowledge.
- Ph D in Manuscriptology- As per the norms of UGC.
Fee structure:
As per the rules of KSU.

Dr. Ramakrishna Bhat K
Assistant Professor, Head of the Department
Dr. Ramakrishna Bhat K has studied Vyakarana Vidwath (M.A) in Sri Chamarajendra Samskrita College , Bengaluru , one of the oldest Sanskrit colleges in the country. He has been awarded Ph.D from Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha , Tirupati for his research thesis on धर्मसूरिप्रणीतपरिभाषार्थप्रकाशिकायाः सम्पादनमध्ययनञ्च , a work on a rare unpublished manuscript.
Complete Profile – Dr. Ramakrishna Bhat K
Dr. Ramakrishna Bhat K has studied Vyakarana Vidwath (M.A) in Sri Chamarajendra Samskrita College , Bengaluru , one of the oldest Sanskrit colleges in the country. He has been awarded Ph.D from Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha , Tirupati for his research thesis on धर्मसूरिप्रणीतपरिभाषार्थप्रकाशिकायाः सम्पादनमध्ययनञ्च , a work on a rare unpublished manuscript. In addition to this he has also completed B.Ed from Rashtriya Samskrit Samsthan, Sringeri. He also holds a M.Phil degree from Rashtriya Samskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati.. Dr. Bhat is well equipped in various ancient Indian scripts such as Brahmi, Sharada, Grantha ,Nandinagari etc and is efficient in scripture reading also. He is one of the disciples of Mahaamahopaadyaya Vidwan N.Ranganatha sharma. He is instrumental in creating a webpage ( exclusively on the works of Mahamahopadhyaya Vidwan N. Ranganatha Sharma . Dr. Bhat has written a book in Kannada namely Maharshi Yajnavalkya. In addition to this he has also edited three books namely VAKYAPADIYA BRHMA KANDA KALA AND KRIAYE, ADITYA HRIDAY, VALMIKISUKTIMANIHAR

Dr. Vinayaka Namannavar
Assistant Professor
Dr. Vinayak Namannavar has been studied in B.A with first class from Karnataka University, Dharwad and M.A. in Sanskrit with specialization in Vedanta sastra from Karnataka University, Dharwad. He has been awarded Ph.D for his research thesis “Bhagawathasaroddhara of Sri Vishnu Tirtha, a critical estimate” from Karnataka University, Dharwad.In addition to the above , he has studied P.G. Diploma in Mass Communication and Journalism from Karnataka State Open University, Mysore.
Dr. Vinayak Namannavar has been studied in B.A with first class from Karnataka University, Dharwad and M.A. in Sanskrit with specialization in Vedanta sastra from Karnataka University, Dharwad. He has been awarded Ph.D for his research thesis “Bhagawathasaroddhara of Sri Vishnu Tirtha, a critical estimate” from Karnataka University, Dharwad.In addition to the above , he has studied P.G. Diploma in Mass Communication and Journalism from Karnataka State Open University, Mysore.He has another P.G. Diploma in Manuscript logy from University of Mysore. He is author to more than1 5 books, 20 research papers, 50 articles in different magazines. He has 10 years of research experience and 15 years of teaching experience. He is expert in various scripts such as Nandinagari, Nevari, Sharada, Grantha, Mythili etc. He has delivered various lectures on Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puraná, Veda, Upanishads and Sanskrit Literature.

Dr. Prabhuswamy S
Assistant Professor
Dr. Prabhuswamy S has studied M.A. in Sanskrit in University of Mysore. He was awarded M.Phil degree from Kuvempu University, Shimoga. He was awarded Ph.D from University of Mysore, for his research thesis on “Shivatattvaratnakara: Ondu Samskrutika matthu Vaijnanika Adhyayana”.
Dr. Prabhuswamy S has studied M.A. in Sanskrit in University of Mysore. He was awarded M.Phil degree from Kuvempu University, Shimoga. He was awarded Ph.D from University of Mysore, for his research thesis on “Shivatattvaratnakara: Ondu Samskrutika matthu Vaijnanika Adhyayana”. In Shastric studies, he has two Vidwat Utthama (M.A) degrees in Shakti Vishishtadvaita Vedanta and Alankara Shastra. In interdisciplinary studies, he holds P.G.Diplomas in Manuscriptology and Epigraphy. He also has degrees on Virashaiva Agama Shastra, Jyotisha and Hindi Praveena. He is very much active in extracurricular activities and has C certificate in NCC. He has edited two works – Chintamanivijaya Champu and Sankyaratnakosha and also published several research articles. He presented numerous research papers in International and national Seminars. He was awarded Shamashastri Best Book award for his work on Shivatattvaratnakara in 2018-19.
A study of Nandinagari Script by Dr Vinayak Namannavar.
A Study of Brahmi Script,by Dr RamaKrishna Bhat.
A Study of Grantha Script by Dr Prabhu Swamy.
A sponsored grant for the study of old documents of Uttradhi Math. Three volume books with 2000 pages in total from the Vishwamadhwamahaparishat research centre, Uttaradi Mutt, Bangalore by Dr Vinayak Namannavar.
An undertaking to research and Re Print of Rare Books of Bodhayaneeya Brahmakarma Samuchaya by Ashtadashi , Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi .This is undertaken under the able guidance of Dr. Ramakrishna Bhatt.
Creating and mainting content for the website organized by Ranganathasharma shodha Kendra – Bangalore
Dr. Ramakrishna Bhat
Dr. Vinayakacharya Namannawar
Dr. Prabhuswamy