Department of Sankhya and Yoga
योगेन चित्तस्य पदेन वाचां ।
मलं शरीरस्य च वैद्यकेन ॥
योऽपाकरोत्तमं प्रवरं मुनीनां ।
पतञ्जलिं प्राञ्जलिरानतोऽस्मि ॥
Department of Sankhya and Yoga at Karnataka Samskrit University was started in the year 2022. The Department will bring together traditional studies of Samkhya and Yoga along with practical and application-oriented study of Hatha yoga and Ayurveda for present day living. The primary focus will be on interdisciplinary studies using traditional methods from authentic scriptures.
The Department of Sankhya and Yoga strives to be the source of innovative interdisciplinary programs that partner with specialists in yoga, ayurveda and practical yoga for the urban yogi . The aim of the department is,
- To be true to the shastric texts and follow its methods to teach Yoga in the traditional format as taught by our Rishis.
- To develop and apply theories, concepts, methods and tools of yoga studies
- To analyze and apply traditional and scriptural knowledge in the context of a changing society.
The Department has faculty with diverse backgrounds – an enviable combination of traditional yogis and modern scholars, who have been trained in Yoga Shastras. The syllabus is tailored to provide a comprehensive knowledge to the students as per the guidelines of National Educational Policy (NEP). It encompasses both the traditional and modern features of Samkhya and Yoga, Ayurveda, Traditional Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, Yoga Chikitsa, and so. Students will also be trained in Samskrit reading, writing and understanding enabling them to become proficient in Samskrit communication.
Additionally, optional and elective courses from other departments are offered, promoting interdisciplinary studies.
The department will be encouraging students to participate in Vakyarthasadas, Spardhas and other scholarly competitions. There will also be emphasis on interdisciplinary studies to bridge the gap between traditional and modern disciplines. . The plan is also to collaborate with the Vedanta Department to contribute towards innovative courses like MA Vedanta Yoga. The Department also plans on offering special programs for those in the IT industry and be one of the few institutions in Karnataka to offer this such an innovative program..
Another unique feature of the department is that it handles multi-disciplinary projects where students also have the opportunity to earn as a member of the project team.
Objectives of the Department:
Understand Samkhya concept and Yoga Darshanas, related texts, and to explore healthy and holistic life.
. Learn the above philosophies in the traditional and authentic way using principles of Yoga
. Read and comprehend shastric texts (granthas) independently by the end of the course.
. Analyze traditional yogic texts and their commentaries.
. Introduce traditional asanas, pranayama, mudra and bandhas based on Samskrit texts
. Explore ancient Indian Knowledge Systems and its relevance in modern context.
. Train students to pursue research in multi-disciplinary studies.
. Train students on Yoga teaching methodologies enabling them to open Yoga training centres.
. Obtain placement for students in premier institutes such as IITs where multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary research is undertaken along with regular placements.
Under Graduate Programs
BA in Yoga
Post Graduate Programs
MSc in Yoga Shastra
- Click here to view the syllabus for MSc in Yoga Shastra
- Click here to view the fee structure for MSc Yoga Shastra
Post Graduate Diploma
Short-term Courses
- Bridge Course
- Functional Samskrita
- Samkhya & Yoga darsanas
Extensive Activities
Lecture Series

Prof. Shivani V
Dean, Shastra Faculty, and Director, IQAC, Karnataka Samskrit University.
Dr Shivani is a Dean, Shastra Faculty, and Director, IQAC, Karnataka Samskrit University. She has completed her doctorate on ‘A Computational Model for Linguistic Study of Sanskrit – Balakanda of Ramayana as a Case Study’ and did her Post Graduation in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Sanskrit Vyakarana.
Erstwhile Deputy Director at Chinmaya International Foundation Shodha Sansthan, Veliyanad, Ernakulam, Kerala and guest faculty at Department of Sanskrit Studies, University of Hyderabad, as well as at Shabdabodha and language Technology, Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati.
Shivani also held the position of Sr. Linguist, Department of Sanskrit Studies at University of Hyderabad. She has many publications and research papers under her credit. She has also participated and presented papers at many international and national seminars on
NLP, Machine Learning and topics pertaining to Computational Linguistics and Sanskrit Grammar.
Visiting faculty in the Department

Prof Madhusudan Penna
Vice Chancellor, KKSU In charge from 08-01-2022
Professor & Dean, Faculty of Indian Philosophy and Culture
Director, Research Programs and Publications, Kalidas Sanskrit University

Prof. Srinivasa Varakhedi
(Recipient of Presidents Award) Professor in Shastra and Dean (Academics) Karnataka Samskrita University, Bengluru
Prof. Dr. Shrinivasa Varakhedi is currently the Dean, Shastra Faculty and Director of Research and PG studies in Karnataka Samskrita University, Bengaluru, Karnataka. Formerly he was Director of Sanskrit Academy, a Research Institute funded by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
He received the Maharshi Badarayan Vyas Samman – an award given by the President of India in 2008 and Swami Chinmayananda Gold medal in 2013.
Complete profile – Prof. Srinivasa Varakhedi
Prof. Shrinivasa Varakhedi was working as Professor and Dean of Shastra Faculty in Karnataka Samskrita University, Bangalore, Karnataka. He is currently on deputation to Central Sanskrit University, New Delhi as its Vice-Chancellor. Prof. Varakhedi started his academic carrier as a lecturer in purnaprajna Vidyapeeth sanskrit college and later in 2000, he joined and served in Tirupati Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth a deemed university.
He is member of various committees and national & international academic bodies such as Academic Council of RSVP Tirupati, Board of Management in Chinmaya University, Board of Studies in many universities. He is also appointed as Hon. Chairman of Managing committee of Mumbadevi Adarsh Mahavidyalaya mumbai. He worked as a member of the committee for vision document for the development of Sanskrit constituted by MHRD Govt of India. He is a part of the NAAC guidelines preparation committee for sanskrit universities. He was also member of Grant in aid committee, MHRD, Govt of India. He participated in faculty selection in EFLU hyd as the nominee of President of India.
He has been serving as a member in the selection committees for various awards in central Sahitya academy. He has been associated with many national and international research journals as editorial or advisory board.
He has earned the respect of being invited as visiting faculty in many national level institutions. Recently he was sent to an international conference organised by Indian embassy in Paris by the Ministry of external affairs , Govt of India.
He is known for organisation of summer schools, workshops, international and National conferences and seminars in many places. He has delivered around 50 key note addresses and Spl lectures in the national events. He presented around 30 papers on different topics in the seminars.
He has extensively worked in the field of Sanskrit Computational Linguistics. His current interests are Sanskrit Pedagogy, E-repository for Sanskrit, Research Methodology of Shatsras and Philosophy of Language. He has been engaged in dialogues between traditional systems of knowledge and modern thinking. He has more than 30 publications to his credit in National and International journals apart from a good number of books authored and edited.
He has been awarded the Maharshi Badarayan Vyas Samman – an award given by the President of India in 2008 and Swami Chinmayananda Research Gold medal in 2013.

Dr. Jayaraman Mahadevan
is currently serving as Director, Research Department, Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai, Scientific Industrial Research Organisation. He has a PhD in Sanskrit from the Department of Sanskrit, University of Madras, His thesis was titled The Doctrine of Tantrayukti – A Study. He has presented 20 papers in various National and International conferences and has given talks in Universities, Colleges and Institutions of National Eminence. He has also written books, organised seminars, funded projects and been the guide for students pursuing their PhD. His areas of interest are Yoga, Tantrayukti, Vedanta, Sanskrit Poetic Literature and Manuscript Studies.

Smt. Uma Subramaniam
MA Sanskrit (Vedanta), Karnataka Samskrit University,
M.Sc Yogic Sciences, Annamalai University
Registered Yoga Alliance Teacher Trainer ERYT500
RCYT(Children’s Yoga) and RPYT(Prenatal Yoga) from the Yoga Academy.
Ministry of Ayush Level 2 Yoga Teacher
Certified Advance Medical Varmam Practitioner, Tirumoolar Varmam Inst, Coimbatore Veteran yogi and teacher of yoga in its many modern forms but with deep roots in traditional and authentic yoga education, practices and philosophies. Over 15,000 hours of teaching hatha yoga, pranayama, yoga nidra and meditation practices, yoga philosophy, history, anatomy&physiology, teaching methodology for modern day practice and health benefits.
- Siddhanta Knowledge Foundation – Shastra Mapping on Yogasutra Vyasabhashya
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